ED403 - Education’s Digital Future: Equity by Design


Digital technologies are rapidly evolving and reorganizing the way we play, learn, and work. Significant questions have emerged about how digital and networked information technologies might be both narrowing and widening gaps in access to learning opportunities. It is becoming clear that technology alone will not catalyze the forms of equity that are so essential for preparing young people and their families for a rapidly changing future. Instead we need to deeply rethink and intentionally redesign the social organizations and tools that provide formal and informal learning opportunities (schools, workplaces, community organizations, libraries) and study these innovations. In this seminar, which is both a course and public venue designed to foster new forms of collaboration and innovation, we will focus on questions at the intersection of technology, equity and learning. We have arranged a series of invited conversations with a broad range of stakeholders including researchers, educators, and industry representatives.

The series is open to the public. Stanford students may enroll for 1 course unit; classroom teachers may enroll for 2 continuing education units.

Goals: By creating an open seminar involving students, educators, designers, researchers, and other interested community members we hope to introduce participants to scholarship in this area, inspire a cross-sector discussion that helps define key issues at the intersection of equity, technology and learning, and catalyze new forms of collaboration and ideas for innovation.

Sponsor/Partners: The seminar is sponsored by TELOS, an initiative to advance equity by creating and investigating ways that technology can increase opportunities for underserved PreK-12 learners, families, and educators. Seminar partners include Digital Promise and the Silicon Valley Education Foundation.


Week 1
Craig Watkins, Brigid Barron, Muhammed Chaudhry, Kris Gutiérrez
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Kris Gutiérrez
Week 2: Making Technology Work for Underserved Students in Schools
Shelley Goldman, Molly Zielezinski, Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh, Mary Jo Madda
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Molly Zielezinski
  • Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh
  • Mary Jo
Week 3
Richard Culatta, Karen Cator
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Richard Culatta
  • Karen Cator
Week 4: Web Literacy as a Barrier And Pathway to Equity
Eszter Hargittai, An-Me Chung
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Eszter Hargittai
  • An-Me Chung
Week 5: Technology in Schools: Now What? Changes in Policy and Links to Outcomes in California
Michael Kirst, Darryl Adams
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Michael Kirst
  • Darryl Adams
Week 6: Broadening Access to High Quality Teacher Professional Learning
Janet Carlson, Angela Estrella, Sadie Skiles, Tammy Wu Moriarty
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Janet Carlson
  • Angela Estrella
  • Sadie Skiles
  • Tammy Wu Moriarty
Week 7: Equity in Making and Creating with Technology
Paulo Blikstein, Nichole Pinkard, Rafranz Davis, Betsy Corcoran
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Paulo Blikstein
  • Nichole Pinkard
  • Rafranz Davis
  • Betsy Corcoran
Week 8: The Future of Reading and Writing
Lissa Soep, Adam Banks, Cherise McBride, Petra Dierkes-Thrun
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Lissa Soep
  • Adam Banks
  • Cherise McBride
  • Petra Dierkes-Thrun
Week 9: Supporting Home-School Connections through Technology
Carlin Llorente, Eric Cuentos, Ben York, Amber Levinson
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Carlin Llorente
  • Eric Cuentos
  • Ben York
  • Amber Levinson