Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh

Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh
Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh
Director, Santa Clara Office of Education

Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh is Manager of Educational Technology Services at Santa Clara County Office of Education. Elizabeth is a Google for Education Certified Innovator, ACSA's 2015 Technology Administrator of the Year, Leading Edge Certified Professional Developer, and Manager of Educational Technology Services in San Jose, CA. She started as a crossing guard and has taught 6-12 grade English and college-level students. She taught all levels of English, from remedial to Advanced Placement and was Newspaper Advisor, Mock Trial Coach and English-Language Arts Curriculum Leader. She then earned her Master's in Educational Leadership, became Vice Principal of a comprehensive high school and then middle school, before landing at the SCCOE in Educational Technology. She has an unquenchable thirst for learning and increasing access for all teachers and students.

Speaking in

Week 2: Making Technology Work for Underserved Students in Schools
Shelley Goldman, Molly Zielezinski, Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh, Mary Jo Madda
5:30pm to 8:00pm

CERAS 101 - The Learning Hall, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

  • Molly Zielezinski
  • Elizabeth Calhoon-Brumbaugh
  • Mary Jo